I wrote some of these comments in my Welcome page, just a reminder.
Ok, so English is not my native language, I’m not always copying in Microsoft Word to see if I’m writing correctly, in fact many times I don’t because I’m too busy writing and don’t want to lose concentration.
What am I talking about?
Did you ever see the show Lucy with Ricky Ricardo?
Ok, so I talk and write the same way. You are going to have to ignore my grammar. if the verb was supposed to have ED at the end like talk and talked, and don’t mean past tense, I write it like a hear it, if I put a comma and it was a period it’s because I write like a talk, may be sometimes too fast, may be sometime my English gets confuse with my Spanish, you know what I mean just like it happens to you when you are speaking your second or third language.
I asked my friends for grammar suggestions and my friend Kelly said, you write like you talk, it’s funny, you should leave it like that because that is you.
Thank you Kelly, I’m not going to worry, it is what it is.